In this example, you will build a basic view
that shows yearly profits. Follow the steps below to build this
Click and drag the Order Date field from the dimensions
area of the Data window to the Columns area of the view.
When you place a field on columns area of the view it is also added to the Columns shelf. You can also drag directly to these shelves. When you drag a field over a shelf, a blue arrow indicates that the shelf can accept the field.
The resulting table has four columns and one row. Each column header represents a member of the Order Date field (2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013). Each cell contains an “Abc” label, which indicates that the current mark type for this view is text.
Notice that the field is colored blue indicating it is discrete. Also, the field name changed to YEAR(Order Date) because year is the default date level for this field. The default date level is determined by the highest level that contains more than one distinct value (e.g., multiple years, multiple months, etc.). That means that if Order Date contained data for only one year but had multiple months, the default level would be month. You can change the date level using the field menu.
Drag the Profit field from the Measures area of the Data
window and drop it on the Rows area of the view.
The table is automatically transformed into a line chart and a vertical axis is created for the measure. A line is used as a great way to compare data over time, and allow you to visually compare data and identify trends effectively.
The line chart shows profit over time. Each point along
the line shows the sum of profit for the corresponding year.
The Profit field is colored green, indicating that it
is continuous. Also the field name changed to SUM(Profit). That’s
because the default aggregation for measures in a relational database
is SUM. You can change the aggregation using the field menu.
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