Categorical Quick Filter Options

  • Single Value (List) - Displays the values of the quick filter as a list of radio buttons where only a single value can be selected at a time. An “All” option can be added to the list to let you quickly select all values without switching to a multiple values list.

  • Single Value (Dropdown) - Displays the values of the quick filter in a drop-down list where only a single value can be selected at a time.

  • Single Value (Slider) - Displays the values of the quick filter along the range of a slider. Only a single value can be selected at a time. This option is useful for dimensions that have an implicit order such as dates.

  • Multiple Values (List) - Displays the values in the quick filter as a list of checkboxes where multiple values can be selected.

  • Multiple Values (Dropdown) - Displays the values of the quick filter in a drop-down list where multiple values can be selected.

  • Multiple Values (Custom List) - Displays a text box where you can type a few characters and search for the value. Alternatively, you can type or paste a list of values into the text box to create a custom list of values to include.

  • Wildcard Match - Displays a text box where you can type a few characters. All values that match those characters are automatically selected. You can use the asterisk character as a wildcard character. For example, you can type “tab*” to select all values that begin with the letters “tab”. Pattern Match is not case sensitive. If you are using a multidimensional data source, this option is only available when filtering single level hierarchies and attributes.

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