View Data

The View Data command lets you display the values for all rows in the data source that underlie a set of marks in the view. It also shows you the summary data based on the aggregations in the view. You can view data to verify the aggregated value associated with a mark, or to isolate and export the individual rows associated with data of interest, such as outliers.
You can view data for a selection of marks, for the fields in the Data window, and when you’re connecting to data.
The View Data command works with all relational and multi-dimensional databases except Oracle Essbase and SAP® Business Information Warehouse databases. While you can view data with the Microsoft Analysis Services and the Teradata OLAP connector multi-dimensional databases, the database must be drill-through enabled; in addition there are some restrictions to the data you can see.
In the view below, sales for two product dimensions (Department and Container) are displayed as a bar chart. Suppose you wanted to view data for the largest marks in each pane. To do this, you would select those marks, right-click in the table, and select View Data on the context menu. Alternatively, you could select the Analysis > View Data menu item.

Viewing data may not return any records if you are using a field that contains floating point values as a dimension. This is due to the precision of the data source and mainly occurs when you are connected to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, or text files.

Summary Data

Summarized data is shown on the Summary tab. Summarized data is a text table of the aggregated data for the fields shown in the view.

Underlying Data

Underlying data for the selected marks are displayed on the Underlying tab. In the lower right of the dialog box you can see the number of rows in the underlying data.

Sort the data by clicking one or more column headers. To restore the original sort order, click the header repeatedly until it is no longer highlighted with a sort arrow.
By default, Show all fields is selected. Clear this option to only show the columns used on shelves (or fields referenced by a calculation used on a shelf) in the current worksheet.
If you want to export one or more data source rows, select the data points of interest by selecting the row and then clicking Copy to copy the selected data.

View Data (Microsoft Analysis Services)

View Data with a Microsoft Analysis Services database works almost the same way it does with relational data sources. The difference is that a Microsoft Analysis Services cube is generally set up and configured by an administrator who decides whether it is enabled for drill-through and the fields that a user is allowed to see. That means that when you try to view data using a database that is not enabled, you may get an error message alerting you that the cube is not enabled for drill-through.

In addition, Microsoft Analysis Services databases limit viewing data to a single mark at a time. More precisely, viewing the data (which uses MDX drill-through) is not an option when the selection of mark(s) is defined by more than one value of a dimension.
When you are viewing underlying data for a field, the Show all fields option is checked and disabled by default. With a Microsoft Analysis Services database, only the fields specified by the administrator are shown, so you cannot choose to include all data source fields in the dialog box.


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